Response to Public Records Request- April 8, 2024- “Ann Welniak & concerned citizens- Clerk Hours past three months: what was done, when, time started, time finished- under Wis. stat. 19.88 and 19.33”

The request does not ask for the hourly Administrative Assistant records, but they are provided in context. The elected office of town clerk is salaried and neither Wis. stat. 60.33 nor Draper Resolution #9-2023 Duties of Town Clerk require office hours or that specific actions (“what”) be tracked. Performance of the duties satisfies the terms of office. 

By statute, public records requests are limited to records that exist (they do not have to be created to satisfy a request).

However, to satisfy the electors, this record has been created from my calendar, Outlook email, website, social media, notary journal, and filed documents. Time to complete request 37.5 hours, plus legal review.

January 1 New Year’s Day- Office Closed: FB post vintage Draper photos- comments/citizens, FB messages

January 2  Admin Office 8-3: Calendar notes: zoning research for plan commission and board decisions, phone gravel negotiations with Shawn Hagan and Scott Coles;  Phone calls: Beining, Kelley, citizens; Employee, Citizen walk-ins; Emails responded to: 10:24 am Anderson plan commission member application, 10:47am GOP election records request, 1:46, 2:13, 2:28 NCP Kinsley emails re Helipad Balls, 2:27 board email Agenda draft,  3:10, 3:44 Legal/Board re (ROW encroachments), 11:53 and 12: 22pm County Clerk emails, 1:33pm email SOT Dobilas, 6:59pm board email re skid steer for sale; FB post absentee ballots, FB message Moore; Update website; Vacuum hall

January 3 Emails responded to: 7:30am Beining email- skid steer, 2:08pm County clerk email, 3:44pm Shydlowski tire complaint, 4:43pm Kelley email re tire complaint, 5:37pm Selan email town photo/historical archive, 6:26pm Sell email skid steer, 6:13 pm Schroeder/plan commission meeting email: FB post vintage photos Draper, North Country, comments Moore, Selan

January 4 Emails responded to: 8:47am Beining email re agenda, 12:11pm Kyle Repair estimate grader repair email forward to board, 12:15pm forward plan commission agenda with zoom link to new applicant Anderson, 12:13, 12:21 and 12:38pm Kelley emails- skid steer, 1:04pm Kelley email re citizen tire complaint follow up, 3:06 and 4:00 pm County clerk emails re WisVote address error Cook, 9:56pm manage FB respond to comments archive historical photos

January 5  Admin Home 8-10am; Admin Office 11-430pm: Calendar notes: review Zoning staff report, follow up on county zoning amendment definitions, review Zillmer emails, review Kurtzweil lawsuit, nuisance property follow up, board phone calls, for folders- revised driveway permit, revised town hall use agreement per Kelley; Emails responded to: 7:02, 8:25, 8:28, 8:31, 8:32am emails Zoning staff report/plan commission dates, 11:25, 1:08pm Zufall emails, 1:46 special assessments affidavit, 4:04 special assessments affidavit; 12:03pm FB comments, archive historical photos, 12:38, 4:52, 5:19, 6:21pm Sell/board skid steer emails; Employee issues; Update website; File Tobacco report; 4:30 folders, meeting notices

January 6 FB post re Tuscobia Trail, FB messages Selan

January 7 FB post, messages re Tuscobia Trail

January 8 Clerk Office 8-230, 430-7pm: Citizen, board, employee, vendor walk-ins and calls; Board meeting prep- vacuum hall, set up chairs, tables, documents; Crew, board, plan commission payroll, accounting, produce vouchers, clerk report; Respond to emails: 10:16, 11:13am County clerk re citizen address, 11:06 11:08, 11:23am County clerk re April 2 ballot verification,1:20pm FD Invoices,1:52pm Abric Tax Settlement; Board meeting 5-6:33pm, file recording and meeting notes

January 9 Admin Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: Board meeting follow up- Beining, Kelley- BHeath claims against town, zoning discussions; 9:38, 9:44, 9:49am Beining emails re B. Heath Claims against town; Employee issues; FB post Community Club Cabin Fever Reliever; Update website

January 10 Admin Home 830-10am: Calendar notes: Phone call Dezotell-  re Borden, Gravel Pit, Zoning , County Zoning Mtg; Phone call Beining; Responded to emails 9:32am Legal DS warrant, 11:02am WRS ETF reconciliation email, 1:11, 2:19, 2:23  2:46pm HHS EM Plan cots, 4:56pm forward FD training email to Beining, Kelley

January 11 Emails read/responded: 1:20 WEC Elect-Ed site, 1:57, 2:02, 2:05, 2:08, 2:23pm Beining PSC RESP grant, 3:30pm Kelley FD radio quote

January 12 Admin Office 12-130: Employee Issues, FB post winter storm update

January 13 FB post Oxbo; 7:43 email Ed Peters email re gravel pit, Dezotell call

January 14 Email FD Active 911 subscriptions

January 15 Clerk Office 8-3: Calls, walk-ins; Respond to emails: 10:00am Kelley draft of letter to B Heath, 11:06-1:48pm clerk election help Brown, Swaffield, 11:28 Beining document conversions, 12:21pm 2% dues forward to Kelley, 2:49pm County clerk election training, 2:11 Active 911 invoice call, emails; Jan 8 draft minutes; Vacuum hall

January 16 Admin Office 8-330: Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: Prepare RESP grant data submissions, SAM; Phone calls: Beining RESP grant, Kelley, citizens, vendors; Emails: 8:59am Gazette community calendar, 9:14am 1099s submitted,12:00pm DSPS report submitted; 2:19pm Jan 8 minutes to board for review of potential legal issues, 2:25pm Beining re SAM registration renewed; Update website

January  17 Responded to emails: 11:41am Lereta Tax re Dobilas contact info, 4:39 Gazette re envelopes order, 9:49am, 10:19, 10:22, 10:24, 10:29 Beining re RESP docs, garage truck repair issues,

January 18 Office 1-6: Calendar notes: scan and email 3 years of utility bills for town hall, garage and FD for RESP grant, Sheriff Dept DS Warrants, FB post FD Burning info, FB message Cain

January 19 Admin Home 830-11am: zoom zoning committee meeting, follow up phone call 10:38am Beining; FB post Flambeau Forest Inn

January 20

January 21

January 22 Clerk Office 8-2: Crew payroll; Phone calls: Haberman hall rental 7-20, citizens; Walk-ins; Emails: 8:52 am County clerk election notices, 9:18am Dobilas absentee ballot request WEC (enter WisVote), 9:22am Haberman Hall Use Agreement email/response, 11:33am WEC election checkpoints, 1:35pm confirm contact info DOA, 2:34pm to County clerk research re HAVA and voting machines; Vacuum hall

January 23 Admin Office 8-3: Calls, walk-ins- Kelley, Adler; Respond to emails: 7:13am Bridge inventory program, 8:11, 8:36, 8:40am forward/respond to Beining, 830am County clerk, 9:58 Knowlton HHS, 11:53am Ed Peters re zoning committee mtg, Adler, 12:00 Legal/Beining re treasurer history, 12:36, 12:52 K Marks zoning re Rezone, 12:55 Beining re Rezone staff report, scheduling Hunt, 1:00 CISA election security AI risk; Update website; HHS Knowlton deliver/ unload 10 cots, discuss EM plan & exercise; 5:37pm Peters email re Adler, FB Post HHS thank you

January 24 Read/respond emails: 9:49am Ed Peters WTA Unit mtg, 11:32, 11:36am Amundson’s, Shanks re appliance fire report; 12:42pm Ed Peters re WTA Unit mtg

January 25 Emails responded to: 9:08am Pinnow local bridge inventory- forward to Beining, 9:59am Rural Mutual agent photos today, 4:02 Gazette re envelopes ready, FB post Winter FD smelt feed

January 26 Emails read/responded to: 7:36am DOA Housing report, 8:05am PSC grant docket update, 11:29am Beining textbook reimbursement, 2:15pm DSPS NFIRS survey forward to CKlein, 4:18pm WEC absentee envelope design changes

January 27 Emails read/responded to: 2:22, 6:35pm Meyer campground reservation

January 28

January 29 Clerk Office 8-2: Citizen calls, walk-ins- Kelley 9:50am complete 2% dues fire chief, Burt, G Heath; Emails: 1:43 to board re Adler, Heath office behavior, 3:17pm Beining handbook receipt, 3:33pm Beining textbook receipt; Vacuum hall

January 30 Admin Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: talk to D Burt, town board/citizen concerns, “Clerk and treasurer can assist” document; Respond to emails: 11:40am special assessment email 1:56 Rural Mutual re trucks, 10:40, 10:54, 1:19, 2:41pm Beining emails re meetings, citizens, closing office, Helipad Ordinance, Update website, road bans notice

January 31 Emails read and responded to: 8:35am Pinnow to Beining re bridge inspections, 3:00pm Beining email re RESP grant docs submitted, 3:54pm absentee ballot requests Edmunds

February 1 Read/respond to emails: 8:29, 8:36am DSPS re Lien Storage forward to plan commission, board, 9:35, 9:41,10:16, 11:11am Beining re economic development, 10:28am Beining email re WCA SC stats, 10:59am web host credit card processing forward to IT, 11:03am Tax1099 return accepted, 11:36,1:48pm County clerk re elections, 1:40pm reviewed CKlein IT invoice, 3:37pm ETF email forward to employees, 5:35 emails Zillmer re zoning decisions- forward to board and plan commission, 5:52, 615pm Kelley re Abednego invoice, 5:44 CKlein re FD application doc completed

February 2 Read/respond to emails: 10:53am WI Broadband forward to Beining,   11:00, 11:52am Beining re SC broadband maps,  FB message re burn permits, DCC potluck

February 3 Emails: 6:01, 6:33, 6:35pm FD member license, Active 911 subscription and invoice

February 4 Read/respond to emails: 11:14am MIR invoice, 12:36 NW Sanitary invoice

February 5 Clerk Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Crew payroll; Emails: 8:45, 9:49am Pinnow forward to Beining, 9:33am Beining email re road bans, 2:50pm DOA re MSP; Vacuum hall

February 6 Admin Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: Helipad Ordinance, road sign order, board meeting materials (BHeath letter); Calls: Kurtzweil; Emails: 8:18, 1:32, 1:34pm Wynkoop campground reservation 7/18, 9:06am DOA housing report, 9:34, 9:39, 9:44am Beining emails re bridge program, 9:43am Beining email re LUP summary, 9:35 forward ETF email to employees; 9:37-10:02am CKlein IT re website-based credit card payments in campground, 10:43,10:55,12:26, 12:32, 12:33, 12:56pm emails Beining re DNR roads grant follow-up, 12:20, 12:32, 12:56pm Beining WTA District mtg receipt, 1:27 B Heath denial letter to board, 1:20,1:30,1:34,1:38pm Hunt Rezone emails, 2:07 pm US Treasury FAQs re ARPA reporting, 4:24pm Dominion invoice

February 7 Emails read/responded to: 11:39am Kelley Conway invoice, 1:44pm Selan re photos, 3:05-4:57pm Legal, Beining, Kadlecek, DS inspection warrant ready, 4:50pm email Shydlowski re warrant, 3:20pm County clerk re urgent, 4:59, 5:46pm Beining email re register for Sourcewell (registered); FB post lost dog on 70

February 8 Admin Home 7-10am; Office 11-3: Calendar notes: Beining, Shydlowski, Schoonover- nuisance housing issues, solutions, legal; 8:00am Phone call Shydlowski re EM plan; Emails: 9:20am Shydlowski re EM plan, 9:41, 9:53am Sourcewell account email forward to Beining, 11-3pm prepare meeting folders, post notices, 3:11-4:12pm Gazette emails re receipt books order

February 9 Admin Home 7-10: Calendar notes: Legal DS interior inspection warrants: Emails read /responded to: 6:49am Beining re folders, re hall clean-up, 7:17, 7:53am Shydlowski re EM plan, 7:30-7:56am, 8:42, 8:52, 8:55am Beining 10:02, 10:15am Beining re execute DS warrants, re Legal LE serve DS warrants, 10:33, 11:02am Legal re warrants, 11:25am Kadlecec re schedule warrants,  2:39, 10:46,11:27am Gazette re order, 2:35pm Garcia re bid document request, Zillmer re zoning forward to plan commission, board, 3:03, 4:39pm WEC elections security bulletins, 3:34, 4:38, 7:28, 7:49pm Kadlecek, Legal, Beining  re serve warrants

February 10 Read/responded to emails: 8:19am Beining re Legal attend meeting, warrant execution, 8:48am Kadlecek re Monday warrants, 8:57am Legal re Monday warrants, 9:29am Kadlecek, Beining, Legal re Monday warrants

February 11 Emails: 11:43am prepare Clerk’s Report for board, 4:16pm Sheriff’s Dept re Monday warrants

February 12 Clerk Office 8-730: Calls, walk-ins;  Board payroll, accounting, produce vouchers, clerk report; Board meeting prep- vacuum hall, set up chairs, tables, documents; Coordinate SCSD deputies, Kadlecek, Legal meet for DS Warrants; Emails: 8:01, 8:05 Beining re copies for culvert inventory, 8:33am Gazette re notice, 9:04, 9:08am Beining re Sourcewell account, 9:12am Knowlton HHS re EM planning, 11:18am Kelley letter draft to electors (formatted for mtg),12:07-12:51pm Beining re Hagan gravel purchase,12:35-12:52pm County clerk re elections laws, court decisions, 1:26pm SC treas Abric re Feb settlement, 2:33pmMedford Coop re S-211 tax exempt form, 4:05, 4:14, 4:20, 4:27pm SC Real property Thomson re tax exempt property report; Board meeting 5-6:36pm: file recording and meeting notes

February 13 Admin 1030-130 (back injury); Calls, walk-ins; Vouchers for February settlement; Calendar notes: Schoonover photos, DOR audit of levy worksheet, Beining; Phone calls: Beining, Caddy (complaint); Emails: 8:09 SC Thompson re exempt property, 8:58-9:04 Kadlecek re DS interior photos for raze order, 10:54am DOR re random levy worksheet audit, 11:31,12:14, 1:09, 1:13, 3:18, 3:42pm BCPL re signed loan docs for DOR audit, 12:10, 1:15pm CVB re Chevy 5500 loan docs for DOR audit, 2:37 Legal, Kadlecek re photos, return of warrant, 4:04pm DOR submit audit docs; Update website

February 14 8:20am Beining call; Office 4-5:30pm Review 1/8 recording; Emails read/responded to: 7:59am DOR re audit complete, 8:07am Beining request town accountant info, 8:19am County clerk re proof 4/2 ballot, 8:50m Beining request gravel royalty on March agenda, 8:55am Beining request bid ad for crushing on March agenda, 9:03am Beining Cc Trish amcpa re audit of town books, 9:17, 9:36am Beining Cc Charlies Locksmith re change hall locks Friday morning, 10:26, 12:49pm Beining request contact for Waste Mgt, 1:35pm Beining dump expenses re raising bag fees for March agenda, 4:57, 5:00, 5:32pm Fischer re campground reservation; 5:16pm Beining, Legal, Kelley re 1/8 recording; 5:30pm Beining call; FB post Winter Lions, Lakewood Café

February 15 Emails read/responded to: 6:33am Beining re recording, 8:55am re recording, 8:57 Beining re history of garbage bag fees, 9:09am Beining call; 9:27 Shydlowski email to board re Winter board mtg/ EM plan, 9:38 Beining email re mulching head for mower, 11:36am RBurt call; 1:18 Beining re garbage bag fees, 12:15pm Legal re treasurer books, 12:38, 1:18, 1:36pm Beining re recording, 4:57pm Kadlecek, Legal, Beining re DS return of warrant draft, 7:54pm Oxbo permission letter road bans

February 16 10:10am Beining call; Office: Charlie’s locksmith 10:20; Emails read/responded to: 8:57am Charlie’s email address for invoice, 9:03, 9:05, 9:37am Oxbo re road ban letter, 10:16am County clerk re ballot proofs, 11:49 Charlies invoice, 4:29, 5:04pm Shydlowski re Sanchez/EM plan

February 17

February 18 Email: 1:30, 3:52pm Beining re auditor

February 19 Clerk Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Crew payroll; Vacuum hall; Emails: 7:41am Beining to clerk and treasurer- order to lock down books, records, receipts, historical data, vouchers until cleared by pending audit, 7:46am Beining re audit company, 7:49am Beining re WM contact Ott, 8:42, 8:43, 8:46, 8:56, 8:58, 9:41am WM Ott re garbage options, meeting, 9:08 employee JA mortgage verifications,8:55 SC zoning re LUP Hagberg shed, 10:39 County clerk re 2 SC Ordinances passed,10:51am County clerk re elections notice, 1:05, 1:33,1:34, 1:38, 1:58 Beining emails re BB/JB job, 1:53, 2:05pm Beining re draft 2/12 minutes, 2:00 assist Bass Lake clerk re resolution posting, 2:56pm Beining re cross talk /decorum ordinance, 3:19pm WM Ott re meeting, 4:19 Kelley call; 5:01, 8:24pm ETF forward to employees

February 20 Admin Office 8-2 Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: EM plan, research, emails, calls: Emails read/responded to: 8:39am Bass Lake clerk re website, 10:02 Kelley proposed letter March mtg re treasurer, 10:25 Beining re K Overman contact,11:28am Beining call; 12:10 Beining email Shydlowski re EM plan, 12:19 Beining email remaining tasks list, 2:53pm RBurt call;  3:39 EM Ripczinski re county wide EM training in fall, 4:11pm Beining email EDC 2007 SC survey, 4:02pm Beining call; 4:16 Beining email re DOR alcohol law changes, 4:18pm County clerk re proof election notice, 4:36 EM Ripczinski re state disaster aid forward to businesses, FB post SC vet clinic, Oxbo tick races; Update website

February 21 Emails read/responded to: 7:47am Vetter thank you, 9:02am SC zoning re Hunt rezone, forward to plan commission , board 12:28pm, 10:56am Legal, Kadlecek, Beining re DS raze orders, 3:07pm County clerk re election notices, 3:57 Kadlecek, Legal, Beining re DS raze orders, 4:00pm Beining call; 4:22 Legal, Kadlecek, Beining re DS raze orders, 4:22 Legal to Beining re DS voicemail, 6:23, 7:19 Beining re DS/HHS

February 22 Emails read/responded to: 8:03am Beining re DS voicemail, 9:47am Legal re DS voicemail, 9:59am County clerk re clean WisVote polls, 2:16pm SC zoning docs received, 3:23pm SC zoning amendment docs forward to plan commission, board, 4:44 Kurtzweil email re names wrong, 5:42 Beining email re names wrong, 5:59 email to SC zoning re correct zoning docs names, 4:10pm WEC security vulnerabilities forward to IT

February 23 Emails read/responded to: 6:36am, 8:01am SC Zoning corrected letters-9:52am forward to board, plan commission, 8:04am Beining call; 10:54am Kurtzweil re correction, 1:57 Legal re treasurer options, 2:42pm RB, 2:43 Kelley, 2:57 Beining forward Legal opinion, 4:47 Feb WEC newsletter

February 24 Emails read/responded to: 8:24am Kelley email re treasurer/recording, options, 1:20 reply Kelley, 3:42 email to board re JB cemetery disinformation, FB post high fire danger, Winter FD training, FB message Byington

February 25 Emails read/responded to: 8:25am WEC absentee ballot request, 8:45am Kelley re JB cemetery, 9:23am reply Kelley re JB

February 26 Clerk Office 8-330; Winter PO 330-4; Calls, walk-ins; Vacuum hall; 7:21am Kelley re JB cemetery, 8:20am Beining re Overman contact, 9:43 to Beining re Ordinances passed SC Board, 9:51am Beining re date for plan commission mtg 10:53 Public Decorum ordinance to board, 10:57am Beining re Public Decorum ordinance, 11:12am to Kelley re JB cemetery, 12:07 Kleczynski re date for PC mtg, 2:20pm Rural Mutual DCC COI,  5:29, 7:16pm Kelley re DSPS FD audit 3/19, 7:31pm ETF forward to employees

February 27 Admin Office 8-345: Calls (E Peters re JBurt), walk-ins; Calendar notes: Legal JB cemetery response: 8:56am County clerk re pick up ballots, 9:12 Beining re audit company, 9:25am Beining, Legal re zoning ordinances, 9:44am Beining March agenda, 9:46am Huray Rural re Insurance review, 10:30am Schroeder re PC mtg date, 10:30 Beining re additions to March agenda, 11:16, 12:12pm re Public Decorum update, 1:06pm SC zoning re neighbor opinion letters Hunt rezone, 1:36 Beining re audit company, 1:40 Beining re cemetery assessments, 1:54 reply BCPL loan draw, 2:10 re Town of Winter cemetery info, 3:19 EPeters re cemetery, 3:28pm EPeters re Winter cemetery rates, burials, 3:34 to board re cemetery options, 3:37pm to board re Winter cemetery rates, burials; Update website

February 28 Hayward- Pick up absentee ballots 3-4; Read/respond to emails: 7:58 County clerk re elections training, 8:07am Beining re Bayfield county zoning, 8:35 Beining re set up Insurance review,  8:28, 9:07, 9:08am Rural Mutual re schedule insurance review- forward to Burt, Beining, 10:08 Beining re CRR plan FD, 12:24 Beining re Hunt staff report,1:39pm Oxbo request for road ban exemption letter,  2:17, 2:3pm Hauer requesting help PSC issues, 2:37 reply Oxbo, 7:15pm FOIA request re environmental issues in township, 8:40pm Kleczynski re help with PSC

February 29 Read/respond to emails: 6:43, 7:00am Kleczynski re PSC, 9:00 Beining re gravel March agenda, 9:25, 9:28am Beining re March agenda additions, road bans, 9:32am Beining, CKlein re Hunt staff report, 9:44am Beining re PSC, 10:07am Beining re PSC, 10:09am Oxbo weight limit letter sent, 10:10am Beining re LUP summary, 10:19am Hauer re call to Hannah PSC, 2:59pm Beining call; 2:59pm Beining emails re Nies, 3:33, 5:51pm Hauer PSC/reply, 6:00, 6:20pm Hauer re PSC/reply, 7:06 Kleczynski re PSC, FB post high fire danger

March 1 Emails: 8:02, 8:08, 8:16, 8:25am Kleczynski re PSC help, 8:08am ATF re Eagle, 8:25am 10:26am Anderson re Hunt staff report, 10:49am Beining call; 10:59am Beining re occupancy Hunt rezone, 12:26pm forward staff report to plan commission, 1:22, 3:26, 4:16pm SC zoning re driveway permit,/reply, 2:44pm Braun re fiber/reply, 3:40pm Kurtzweil re zoning amendments, 5:42-5:48pm forward Kurtzweil to Beining, plan commission, board, 7:32pm forward ETF to employees

March 2 Read/respond to emails: 9:44am Beining re zoning, 11:06 Kurtzweil re zoning amendments, 12:02, 12:39pm Braun re fiber/reply

March 3 Emails: 2:01. 2:56pm Sheri Kelly re voting change of residency/reply, FB post change profile photos, FB message Byington

March 4 Clerk Office 8-2: Crew payroll; Calls, walk-ins; Vacuum hall; Read/respond to emails: 7:59am Beining re spot zoning, 8:58, 9:22am EPeters re Public Safety agenda/reply, 9:00am Ed Peters re public safety mtg/communications/forward CKlein, 9:21, 9:31, 11:47am SC zoning re driveway permits, 9:39am CKlein reply re communications, 9:10, 9:30, 9:46am County clerk election emails, 1:11 County clerk ballots issue, 1:40pm Beining re Northland quote, 1:42pm Beining re post plan commission agenda website, 2:07 Kyle Repair invoice, 2:27 CKlein plan commission minutes- post website, 2:51pm Kelley re draft letter treasurer, 2:52 forward Beining, 3:37pm Beining call; 4:00pm County Clerk re referendums/reply, 5:06 ETF forward to employees, 8:48pm Kleczynski re PSC

March 5 Admin Office 8-2: Calls, walk-ins; Update website; Calendar notes: PSC Issues- Corey Hauer, GF, JK; Emails: 9:07 Hauer Cc Kleczynski re PSC,11:01,11:28am Beining forward CLA audit email, 12:00 US Treasury FAQ, 12:01 Beining re public safety agenda, 12:38 Badger truck re Chevy 5500, 1:39 CKlein FD gear bags, 2:04 County clerk elections notice, 4:22 Rural re update policy,  6:54, 8:37pm County clerk re clerk help ballot count

March 6 Emails: 8:08-11:56 County clerk elections emails, Admin Home 10:30-11:30am, Office 12:00-6:30pm; 10:30-11:30 Beining call re rezone, zoning; Calendar notes: Plan Commission zoning issues prep, prepare docs for meeting, write resolutions for March 11; 1:11pm draft FD recruiting doc, forward CKlein, 2:36 Urgent road bans exemption request to board, 3:49 RBurt grant exemption, 4:12pm write/send exemption letter, 4:26, 4:49,4:54 Kelley reply to road bans, plan commission meeting 5-6:30pm Hunt rezone, zoning amendments

March 7 Emails read/responded: 7:50am Fischer change campground reservation, 9:08 Pinnow culvert inventory doc,/forward Beining, 9:21 Beining re Happy Land, 9:22 Beining re bridge inventory, 3:41pm Pinnow re highway service agreement/forward Beining, 4:10 Kyle Repair invoice, 7:09 pm Leighton re Hunt rezone/reply, FB post elk video, post DVDA fishing contest, post time change/smoke alarms

March 8 Admin Office 11:15-4:15 Calendar notes: Write Resolutions 1-2024, 2-2024, 3-2024, 4-2024, DRAFT crush gravel, format Beining 6-2024, 7-2024, 8-2024, write Ordinance 1-2024 Helipad, amend Ordinance 5-2023 Citation; Call Beining; Emails read/responded: 7:11am Leighton received/forward Beining, 1:51 CKlein re FD stipends/reply PC summaries, 2:22 Beining zoning resolutions for agenda, 2:28 to Beining re resolutions, 2:35 Helipad Ordinance, Citation Ordinance amended

March 9

March 10 Emails: 6:51am Kelley 2/12 minutes, statement,6:52 Beining 2/12 minutes, statement, 10:10 Kelley re statement, cemetery, 10:13am Beining call; 11:10am Beining call; 1:55 property search re dump: Meinen, 12:02,12:08pm Kelley re mtg call in, 12:06 Beining re dump ordinances, fees, Admin work from home 11-12 Beining call; Emails: 1:26pm Zillmer email re zoning-forward to board, 7:00 pm absentee ballot request Anderson

March 11 Clerk Office 8am-8pm: Citizen, board, employee, vendor walk-ins and calls; Board meeting prep- vacuum hall, set up chairs, tables, documents; Board payroll, accounting, produce vouchers; Emails: 7:24am Beining re WTA/electronic mtg fact sheet, 7:29am Beining re 30 copies of public participation handout for mtg, 8:00am Beining re incidents at dump, 8:38am meeting notice to Gazette, 8:29am Beining call; 9:13am to Beining re elected officials resolutions, 10:21am confirm WM Ott meeting, 11:09am County clerk re election media pickup Hayward, 12:24pm USFS file 2023 project completion, 12:29, 12:58pm Hauer re PSC-forward Kleczynski, 12:36 Steenberg re fiber update, 12:41 Petrosky re Hunt rezone,1:06pm  CKlein re schedule PreLat, 1:15pm Public Test notice to Gazette, 2:47pm Rent-a-flash order road signs, 3:04pm Command Central ICX updates, read/forward CKlein, 3:56 WEC March re elections, 3:45pm MFrederick in office re treasurer; Board mtg 5:00-7:37pm: file recording and meeting notes; 7:06pm Kleczynski, Hauer email re PSC

March 12 Admin 8-2: 8:04 Beining call re dump truck, research services electors asking for; Emails: 8:20 Beining re Hilgart contact, 8:38, 9:17, 937am Beining re port-a-potty cost, dump bag fees, cemetery costs, tractor, track loader, 8:49am Beining re CLA audit resolution/contract, 8:53am Beining call; 9:41am Beining call; 12:49,1:10pm send Beining zoning resolutions to county as requested, 2:02 Rural insurance requote completed, FB message Burt, post TOH FD wildfires, post high fire danger, Update website

March 13 Admin Home 6:30-9:30: Calendar notes: EM plan, zoning; Shydlowski/ EM plan; Emails: 8:08am Beining forward Shydlowski email re EM plan, 8:42am forward Hunt rezone board to plan commission, 9:33am Beining Cc Shydlowski re EM plan, Office 10:00am scan citizen letters re Hunt rezone to zoning, 2:05pm County clerk re April election reminders, 3:06pm Steenberg re fiber reply, 4:45pm Legal, Kadlecek, Beining re raze orders signed, 4:57pm Beining call; 6:08pm Beining call; 6:40pm to Legal, Kadlecek, Beining re raze orders next steps, FB post DNR burning ban

March 14 Hayward- Pick up Command Central media1 11-2; Emails read/responded: 7:28am Beining, Legal, Kadlecek re raze orders next steps, 8:50am Beining re notary appointment, 9:25am Beining call; 10:22am Legal, Kadlecek, Beining re nuisance abatement orders,12:09pm Beining WTA re culvert inventory, 12:55pm email authorize CKlein PF True Value,  2:32pm Beining call; 3:33, 5:00pm Ccd on Beining/CKlein Logitech cameras for zoom, 4:09 forward Milestone gravel doc to Beining, 4:21 Beining call; 4:23 Beining call; 4:23 Beining re PSC RESP docket, 4:28pm Beining call; 4:47 reply Skoug re invoice

March 15 Admin 8:30-11: Zoning committee mtg zoom/follow up; 8:23am SC zoning committee agenda/zoom link, 10:00 Beining call; Emails: 10:43am Cc Beining/Fitch request for BHeath Hunt letter, 10:54am forward PSC DE program to plan commission, Beining, 12:27pm Beining call; 1:13pm Beining re add RESP to April agenda, 1:26 Beining re prepare RESP press release, 1:40pm Beining call;  2:00 pm Legal re JB voicemail received, questions, 2:32 to Legal re history of cemetery/rebuttal-2:35pm forward to Beining, 2:36pm Beining call; 3:08 Beining to Legal re track billable hours JB, 3:48, 4:04pm Legal re cemetery Bylaws, policies, 4:11 Legal  re cemetery documents, 4:23, 4:27pm Legal re schedule/reply,  4:28pm Gazette re public test notice, 4:45 Gazette re upcoming press release RESP, 5:45, 5:48, 5:50, 6:47pm to Kelley re JB cemetery, 7:32pm Beining re annual recycling grant, 7:36pm Beining re Kohls schedule,   FB Post USFS trail closures, post rabies clinic

March 16 Emails: 10:49am Selan re reunion, 4:00pm Beining call

March 17 Emails: 5:55am forward WTA culvert inventory to Beining, 7:05am Legal re DS FB burn garage, 9:24,9:32am Meyer campground reservation

March 18 Clerk Office 8-3:35pm: Calls, walk-ins; Crew payroll; Vacuum hall; Schedule April 2 poll workers; Call Albares re election; Emails: 9:23am Legalre DS address contact, 9:30am JB letter in drop box/sent to DA; RBurt office to discuss sit-down meeting; scan/forward JB letter to board; 9:58am Brennan election survey, 10:04am County clerk Heath letter for Beining, 9:36,10:33am County clerk order machine printer rolls, 9:52,10:02, 2:04pm Kyle Repair invoices, 11:14am Command central order election supplies, 11:22am Selan re reunion invitation, 12:15pm Rent-a-flash re order signs, 12:35pm Beining request move public comment to end of agendas, 1:49pm reply Beining re agendas, 2:02pm Kelley reply re agendas, 2:33pm RBurt reply re agendas, RBurt call confirm re agendas,  1:18, 3:38pm EPeters re election,  3:18pm Zillmer zoning

March 19 Admin 8-2: DSPS FD AUDIT; 11:32am Beining notary, 12:12,12:43pm Oxbo weight limit permission letter, Prepare documents for 2:00-5:00 FD audit; Update website, FB post in-person voting, 2:00-5:00 FD audit; 5:44pm Beining call

March 20 Admin Home 8:30-11:30, 12:30-2: Calendar notes: Legal- CF, JB- RB, SB, dump options, WTA/DNR; Calls, emails: 9:46am RBurt call; 10:14am WTA legal re recall,11:11am Legal  re JB/DA, 12:29pm Beining call; 12:47pm Beining to WTA re dump issues, 1:05 Beining re March to do list  3:01,3:47pm zoning Brown re Blaisdell pit report/reply, 5:27pm WTA Carlson legal re recall, FB post DNR burning ban, fire danger, winter storm update

March 21 Emails read/responded: 7:48am DNR recycling report due, 7:56, 8:06am Beining HR re boundaries at work, 9:38, 9:29,11:39am Winter invoice, 11:53am March 11 minutes draft to board, 11:57am Beining request forward Kelley re massage parlor FD inspections, 12:11 Beining suggested edits, 12:16pm Beining call; 1:39pm to Beining re dump options, 1:40pm to Kelley re dump options,1:40 to RBurt re dump options, 2:18, 2:26 Beining re WM Ott, dump options/reply, 2:19pm Legal re JB/ DA, meetings, 2:33pm to Legal, 3:05pm forward Legal to RBurt, 3:06pm forward Legal to Beining, 4:58pm WEC re absentee envelope instructions, FB post DNR High fire danger warning

March 22 Emails: 12:59, 1:07, 3:39pm Kelley re dump options/reply, FB post winter snow update

March 23 Emails: 12:49pm to WM Ott re clarify dump options,3:35, 9:04pm to Britt re work election/reply

March 24

March 25 Clerk Office 8-2- closed due to winter storm; Update website, post FB notices-reschedule public test to Wednesday; 7:26, 8:03am Meyer campground/reply, 8:26am WM Ott reply dump options, 9:42am County clerk re April 2, 10:39am WEC re movers, 10:11 Legal re raze contact info, 10:20 Beining reply Legal, 11:23 to Legal Cc Beining re raze/nuisance together, 11:41am to Legal re DS Nuisance Orders, 12:23pm Legal, Beining re Nuisance Orders, 12:47 Beining, Legal re Nuisance Orders, Admin work from home 1-3, 5-6: Calendar notes: Legal- DS-emails, phone calls, Beining, Draft resolution 8-2024; Calls, emails responded to: 12:49pm Beining call, 1:03pm Legal re Nuisance Orders, 1:44pm set special board meeting for resolution public nuisance on 3/27, 2:50 to board re GHeath hall agenda, 2:52, 2:59pm rehall agenda, 3:05pm Beining call; draft resolution 8-2024, sent to Legal at 5:46pm, set 3/27 mtg for 12pm,  5:56, 6:18pm Beining re hall agenda, 6:38pm CKlein re PC minutes website

March 26: Admin Office 8-2: Update website; 9:02, 9:10am Hauer re PSC updates, 9:17am contact PSC, 10:10 April 8 agenda item town hall improvements list,10:26 Legal review of resolution 8-2024,10:38 BCPL re loan docs for records, 10:38 forward resolution 8-2024 to board, send notices to Gazette, write press release for Gazette and SC Record, sent at 1:10 pm,1:52pm DSPS phishing warning sent to IT, 4:05 USFS re culvert inventory FB post DFD DNR wildland training

March 27 Hayward- Pick up machine printer rolls- 2-4; Clerk Office 930-1230; Update website; Public Test Voting Machine 10:00 am, 10:27 FD MOU to Holly DNR, 10:29 County clerk election night instructions, 12:00 Special Board Mtg Resolution 8-2024,1:35 forward resolution to Legal, 1:59 Zillmer zoning- forward to board and plan commission; Hayward Elections 2-4 pick up materials; 5:14 reply Legal, 5:27 Beining re time sheet, mileage reimbursement, 5:37pm Beining re Eau Claire garbage woes, 5:40, 5:48pm Beining re rustic roads, 6:16pm Beining call, 6:36, 6:54PM Beining re WTA board approval for large purchases, 6:53pm Fitch campground reservation, 7:06 to Beining re Zett/board truck purchase

March 28 Admin Home, Office 6-2: Calendar notes: SD Legal- raze order, sheriff’s service, zoning, plan commission, Gazette, snow plowing complaints, PSCW Corey H/John K; Calls, emails: 5:30am to Legal re summary notice, 5:34am to Legal re SCSD service, 6:16am SCSD request deputy for warrant service, 6:18 to Legal re publication of order, 6:32am Hauer update re PSC, 6:43am HHS re EM plan, 7:40am WM Ott, 8:39am Legal re summary order, (Office 10-11:30 check mail, get file) 10:15 Hauer reply re PSC, 10:26am Legal re UDC attachment, 10:47am Legal re review order, 11:43 forward Hauer to Kleczynski re PSC, 11:59 DS Legal to HHS, Zoning, LE, SC officials, 11:56, 12:16, 12:35, 1:06pm format for Gazette, 12:03 Ahern forward to DFD, 1:39 County clerk re USBs forward to CKlein, 12:34,12:55 Beining re cemetery prices research, 2:01pm forward completed order to board, plan commission; 2:37pm Beining re raze order demolition, 3:30pm SCSD warrants out for service- forward to board, 3:56, 4:19pm update Shydlowski/reply, Update website;

March 29 Clerk Office 12:30-1:30: Absentee voters appt; Emails: 7:37, 7:49 Beining re audit contract, 8:38am Beining re April agenda items- tires, conference streaming, 9:32 Beining re Liberty tire recycling agreement, 9:56 am poll worker call, 10:57 Beining agenda dump cameras, 11:49 Beining re clerk contact, 1:50pm Beining call; 4:48 ETF employer responsibilities

March 30 Emails: 9:23am Beining email re audit; Office: review/back up security camera footage, 9:47 email to board re violations of office security, 10:41am Beining to CKlein/Cc order to lock USB ports on treasurer computer

March 31 Email: 6:49pm Kleczynski re PSC

April 1 Clerk Office 8-6: Crew payroll; Calls, walk-ins; Vacuum hall; Update website; Emails: 8:04am CKlein re election day procedure, 8:05am Beining re cancel PC mtg, 8:21am Beining re dump financials, 9:35am County clerk re elections, 8:43am Legal, Burt, Beining, Kelley, CKlein re special bd mtg/replies, 9:05pm DWD file Q1 report, 10:24am Legal re  special bd mtg, 11:26am Legal, board, CK re confirm special bd mtg, 3:24,3:32,3:34,3:45pm Legal, board closed session notice; set up election tables, chairs, poll booths, notices

April 2 Admin Office 8-2; Calls, walk-ins; Calendar notes: audit, Legal; Emails read/responded: 9:24am Beining re CLA, 9:51 Legal re audit, 10:02 Legal/Kelley re audit, 10:02 Legal/Kelley re audit, 11:00 Legal re audit/reply, Clerk Office 2-1030; Emails: 12:51 Intuit re tax filing, 2:05 DOA re W-9, 2:09, 2:29, 3:16pm forward PSC notice to Hauer/replies, 2:21pm Beining re boom mower tractor, 3:11 Intuit re tax filing, 4:43 LaReau/Burt re ATV routes EE, 4:45, 5:45pm forward Kleczynski re Hauer/PSC, 5:17pm Gazette special mtg notice, 5:30-8:30 file Form CT with DOR;  FB post election day, 11:25 pm post election results Update website

April 3  Clerk Office 11-12:30 board mtg; 12:30pm Kelley call; Winter SD/Hayward- Return Ballots, machine annual svc- SCSD interview; FB post Update website Namakagon transit @ Calvary

April 4 Emails: 7:49, 9:04am Beining re UWE GREAT, 9:15am Beining re agenda items, campground signs, 9:21, 9:28, 10:15, 11:04am Beining re campground signs, 10:23am Beining re HR, 11:04 Zillmer re news for clerks, Admin Office 11:30-4:30: Calendar notes: Legal, Recycling Ordinance, Grant, Garbage Issues, Board Work; Emails 11:42, 12:38, 12:29pm, County Hwy dept re campground signs, 1:25pm Gazette re gravel, 2:34pm Legal re minutes, 3:33 RBurt re minutes, agenda, 3:32 Kelley re minutes, agenda, 5:24pm Kelley re recycling ordinance, 5:26pm Beining, Kelley re recycling ordinance, 5:29pm  Kelley re businesses. 5:40, 6:03pm re ordinance states businesses need own dumpsters

April 5 Clerk WTA Cable BOR training 730-230, 11:37am Legal re SCSD, 3:24, 4:10, 4:32pm reply to Legal, 2:02pm SCSD deputy request 4/8-forward RBurt, 2:19-2:33pm Ripcinski re 1/8, 2:58pm Legal options, 3:17pm Legal re options, 3:51pm Legal re options

April 6 Emails: 9:30am Shydlowski re JB cemetery,5:20 pm Legal re SCSD, 5:27pm reply Shydlowski (Legal), 5:37pm forward to Beining

April 7 Emails: 9:30am Legal re video; Review footage; 3:33, 3:38pm Legal re video, records, 7:37pm Legal re video

April 8 Clerk Office 8-6; Citizen, board, employee, vendor walk-ins and calls; Board meeting prep- vacuum hall, set up chairs, tables, documents; Board, plan commission payroll, accounting, produce vouchers; Emails: 8:07am CVB re records for audit, 9:14am EPeters re RESP grant, 12:32 DOR re SEG,  9:25, 12:02, 12:07, 12:56, 2:42pm CVB/Beining re records, audit, 3:49, 4:16, 4:28, 4:32, 6:44pm Legal re video, records; file recording and meeting notes