November 5. 2024- Fall General/Presidential Election

The polls open at 7am and close at 8pm at the Draper Town Hall 6994 N Main St., Loretta WI 54896 715-266-2110

You can register to vote or request your absentee ballot and more at myvote.wi.gov or contact the Town Clerk Chris Klein for assistance at [email protected] or 715-266-2110.


The Town of Draper does not utilize a ballot drop box or mail slot for ballots. PLEASE return your ballot via the post office in advance to ensure delivery by election day, or personally deliver your absentee ballot to the Clerk on or before the election, or to a poll worker on election day.

You also cannot deliver another person's ballot unless they are disabled and you are acting under the Americans with Disabilities Act to do so. BALLOTS THAT ARE DELIVERED FOR A SPOUSE OR PERSON THAT IS NOT DISABLED WILL NOT BE COUNTED. THIS IS THE LAW. Thank you for your cooperation.

INDEFINTIELY CONFINED Absentee MEANS YOU CANNOT LEAVE YOUR HOME. If you go to work, the store, restaurants, church, or other places outside your home, you are not indefinitely confined and you should not check that box on your absentee ballot request. The indefinitely confined exception is to help those who are no longer able to leave home, go get a driver's license, etc.

ABSENTEE BALLOT REQUESTS MUST BE RENEWED IN WRITING EACH YEAR- THEY EXPIRE IN DECEMBER! Even if you voted absentee the past year, you will not be mailed an absentee ballot unless you fill out a new request for the current year. if you plan to vote by absentee ballot in 2025, please fill out a request form after January 1st, 2025 at myvote.wi.gov or stop in the clerk's office to pick up a mailable form.

August 13 Election results are here: https://townofdraperwi.gov/2024/08/13/election-results-for-8-13-2024-primary/

Thanks to our dedicated poll workers for doing a great job as usual!


*All forms are also available at the Office of the Town Clerk.