Summary of Resolutions Adopted (Additional Descriptions Added)


The following Resolutions and Ordinances were adopted and signed by the Draper Town Board on March 11, 2024. A summary appears below- the complete documents may be viewed at the clerk’s office located at 6994N Main St., Loretta, WI 54896, or on this website by navigating to “Resolutions & Ordinances.”

Resolution #1-2024

Amend 2024 Budget for Audit, Legal and Insurance by moving $30,000 from the Capital Projects Fund into the general fund categories to cover expected additional expenses

 Resolution #2-2024

Financial Audit- obtain a financial audit to resolve bookkeeping discrepancies

Resolution #3-2024

Employee Deferred Compensation Program-offer employees access to the state’s pre-tax investment program in addition to their regular state retirement

 Resolution #4-2024

Purchase Gravel (raw material, not crushed) from the pit on Cty Rd M

 Resolution #5-2024

Disapprove County Multi-Dwelling Zoning Amendment

 Resolution #6-2024

Permanent 20-Day Extension to Avoid Special Meetings changes come to the town from County Zoning that require Plan Commission and Town Board review

 Ordinance #1-2024

Helipad Emergency Use Only Ordinance- Helipad is for emergency use only

 Amended Ordinance #5-2023

Citation Ordinance amended to include a fine for violations of the Helipad Ordinance


Published under Wis. stat. 60.80 this 28th day of March, 2024

Elizabeth Klein

Clerk, Town of Draper