Special Board Meeting June 23, 2020


There will be a Special Meeting of the Draper Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. in the Town Hall to address the agenda below.

Social distancing guidelines of 6 feet will be observed.

If you or anyone in your household are experiencing cold, flu or pneumonia symptoms, please stay home.

This agenda will be posted on the Town Hall bulletin board, the Draper Park, the new bulletin board at the dump, and on the Town website townofdraperwi.gov per. Wis. Stat. 985.02(2)(a).



Call to Order

Roll Call



Review/Act on Medford Co-op Contract

Confirm Crack Seal Projects for Bid Ad Placement




Dated this 19th day of June, 2020
Elizabeth Klein

Clerk, Town of Draper